Monday, May 2, 2016

Cupcake Polish New York: Swatch and Review

Cupcake Polish- New York

*Purchased by Me*

Hellooooo, and welcome back to Monday! Everyone's..least favorite day of the week! Seriously, is there anyone who ACTUALLY likes Monday? I know that I don't!

Today I'm sharing another polish from a brand who is quickly becoming one of my favorites: Cupcake Polish. Cupcake's maker is named Sara, and let me tell you-- she sure knows her way around a polish, and knows her way into a holo lover's heart! 

While I was browsing destash sale groups a few weeks ago, I saw a color named New York up for sale. I looked up swatches, and I just knew that it had to be mine! 

Cupcake Polish New York is a stunning aqua blue, with an intense linear holo. 

Seriously, you guys; the blue and the holo on this baby are so in-your-face, it is unbelievable! I only own several Cupcake Polishes so far, but the formula on New York is 100% consistent with the others: Smooth, buttery, easy to apply, and quick drying! It does dry down a bit dull, but I always topcoat my holos anyway, so the shine is quickly restored!  Shown in my swatches are two coats, plus one layer of top coat. 

The holo is so intense that it freaked my camera out a bit, when I tried to take a macro!

I wasn't lying! Isn't it beautiful?? 

New York is available on Cupcake Polish's website for $13.00 plus shipping. Be careful, though; go on the website, and you will want to purchase more than one color! 

Be sure to check out Cupcake Polish on social media! 

Cupcake Polish's Instagram:
Cupcake Nail Polish Lovers (Facebook fan group):
Thanks for stopping by, and I'll see you next time! 
♥ Megan


  1. I have yet to meet a Cupcake that I don't love.

  2. That is super insanely gorgeous, it looks fantastic on you!

  3. This is such a gorgeous blue! Sara has so many fantastic colours!

    1. She knows the way to a polish lover's heart!

  4. There aren't enough words in the English language to describe how amazing this polish is and you photos make it even more irresistible.

    1. It is SO amazing! And you are so sweet ♥

  5. I only have one cupcake polish and its stunning!

  6. Another cupcake to add to my wishlist! I swear this maker can do no holo wrong, I need them all.
